Course Language: English

¿Vendes cursos, talleres o tienes un negocio que necesite alumnos?

Esta guía te llevará de 0 a 100 en 5 días para que tengas tus primeros alumnos

(Haz click en 🔇para activar volumen del vídeo)

Te comparto la misma fórmula que he aplicado para mi nuevo negocio de educación que logró conseguir 44 alumnos en 1 mes

No necesitas:

❌Ser un expert@ en marketing digital

❌ Tener conocimientos en diseño gráfico

❌Saber como invertir en publicidad



Maru - Co. Fun: Wakin Be

El conocimiento que Nicolás nos compartió para vender nuestros talleres nos ayudó mucho a conseguir mejores resultados

Carla Delgado - SEO

Nicolás nos ayudó a comprender cómo podemos alcanzar nuestros objetivos a con campañas publicitarias, marketing y ventas.

Esta estrategia nos ayudó a conseguir
1600 leads que están en el proceso de venta

¿Qué encontrarás en esta guía?

Día 1: Conociendo a tu cliente

El problema de muchos es literalmente no venderle a alguien en particular.

El secreto está en --> Hablarle a los problemas de alguien con una solución que les de resultados

  • ¿Por qué es importante conocer a tu cliente potencial?

  • Cómo conocer a tu cliente potencial

  • Características emocionales y demográficas

  • Identifica sus problemas y dolencias

  • Miedos e inseguridades

  • Deseos y Aspiraciones

  • Frustraciones

  • Motivaciones

  • Ejemplos prácticos de perfiles de cliente

  • ¿Por qué es importante conocer a tu cliente potencial?

  • Cómo conocer a tu cliente potencial

  • Características emocionales y demográficas

  • Identifica sus problemas y dolencias

  • Miedos e inseguridades

  • Deseos y Aspiraciones

  • Frustraciones

  • Motivaciones

  • Ejemplos prácticos de perfiles de cliente

Día 2: Propuesta de valor

¿Por qué deberían comprarte a ti en vez de a tu competencia? ¿El cliente siente que está pagando mucho o poco?

El secreto está en --> Hacer que el cliente sienta que está pagando muy poco por tu producto.

  • ¿Por qué es importante la propuesta de valor?

  • Crea tu propuesta de valor en 4 pasos

  • Fórmula de propuesta de valor

  • Bonus y valor agregado

  • Ejemplos de propuestas de valor de negocios educativos

  • Ejercicio para armar tu propuesta de valor

  • ¿Por qué es importante la propuesta de valor?

  • Crea tu propuesta de valor en 4 pasos

  • Fórmula de propuesta de valor

  • Bonus y valor agregado

  • Ejemplos de propuestas de valor de negocios educativos

  • Ejercicio para armar tu propuesta de valor

Día 3: Anuncios

¿sabes como estructurar un anuncio que realmente venda? ¿Es tu primera vez diseñando anuncios? ¡No es tan difícil como crees!

El secreto está en --> Hacer publicidad que lleve a las personas a CONTACTARTE

  • Facebook e Instagram para vender

  • Estructura de un anuncio que venda

  • Espía los anuncios de tu competencia

  • Ejemplos de anuncios

  • Canva para crear anuncios atractivos

  • Call To Action (llamados a la acción)

  • Facebook e Instagram para vender

  • Estructura de un anuncio que venda

  • Espía los anuncios de tu competencia

  • Ejemplos de anuncios

  • Call To Action (llamados a la acción)

Día 4: Ecosistema Digital

¿Cuando vas a recibir visita ordenas tu casa? ¡Acá es lo mismo! Debes tener listos tus canales digitales para recibir a tus potenciales clientes, esto puede ser la difrencia entre vender o no.

El secreto está en --> Tener todo listo para generar confianza y demostrar profesionalismo

  • Configuración inicial de Facebook e Instagram

  • Foto de perfil y portada

  • Información de contacto

  • Descripción clara del negocio

  • Enlaces a otros perfiles y sitio web (si tienes)

  • Botones de "llamado a la acción"

  • Ejemplos de biografías

  • Enlaces (como colocar más de un enlace)

  • Configuración Inicial de Whatsapp Business

  • Perfil del negocio

  • Foto de perfil

  • Mensajes automáticos

  • Checklist de tareas

  • Configuración inicial de Facebook e Instagram

  • Foto de perfil y portada

  • Información de contacto

  • Descripción clara del negocio

  • Enlaces a otros perfiles y sitio web (si tienes)

  • Botones de "llamado a la acción"

  • Ejemplos de biografías

  • Enlaces (como colocar más de un enlace)

  • Configuración Inicial de Whatsapp Business

  • Mensajes automáticos

  • Checklist de tareas

Día 5: Lanza tus primeras campañas

No importa si ya lanzaste tu campaña o es la primera vez que lo haces, acá podrás encontrar los conceptos básicos para hacerlo desde el administrador de anuncios y utilizando el botón promocionar.

El secreto está en --> COPIAR MI ESTRATEGIA

  • Administrador de anuncios

  • Botón "promocionar"

  • Paso a paso para usar el botón "promocionar"

  • Paso a paso para hacer una campaña con el "administrador de anuncios"

  • Definir tu público objetivo

  • Presupuesto desde $1 al día

  • Ejemplos de anuncios con estructura

  • Administrador de anuncios

  • Botón "promocionar"

  • Paso a paso para lanzar tu campaña

  • Estructuras de campañas

  • Presupuesto


First 1,000 copies: $7 (USD) - Sold out.

​1,000 to 2,000: $14 (USD) - Sold out.

​2,000 to 5,000: $27 (USD)


Ends on .


No queremos engañarte, mira una captura de nuestro propio CRM con 44 ventas...

"PERO... ¿Nicolás yo puedo lograr esto también? ¡Claro! Si sigues paso a paso nuestra guía podrás conseguir tus primeros alumnos.

Recuerda que esto es un proceso de aprendizaje y con esta guía comenzarás con una ventaja sobre el 80% de personas que buscan alumnos por internet.



Nelson Sandoval

Nicolás se agradece tu participación en este entrenamiento, quien te habla estoy laborando recientemente y me hace de mucha ayuda se te agradece infinitamente.. Espero poder participar de los cursos en vivo .. Éxitos y bendiciones ❤

Umberto Pisano

Muy util el entrenamiento, gracias por compartirlo Nicolás. Estoy realizando los pasos de la guía y ya he tenido mis primeros 5 alumnos ⭐

Josef Lindlbauer

Excelente curso de ventas por internet para mis talleres de inteligencia emocional. Estoy anotando todas las cosas que debo implementar. 100% recomendado

Francesco Menici

Estamos aprendiendo mucho con mi equipo Nicolás, ¡Muchas gracias!!!
Mañana lanzamos nuestras campañas y estamos ansiosos.

Sarvar Kaziev

Hola Nicolás quiero compartir esto contigo: Hoy hice mi primera venta con una comisión de 10.000 dólares, me tocó un cliente complicado pero logré dominar la situación siguiendo tus recomendaciones. MILLLL GRACIAS!

David Ramos Martel

Ahora con estas clases he podido descubrir como puedo llevar mi marca personal a otro nivel y conectar con los potenciales clientes.

Esta literalmente es una captura de pantalla de nuestro WhatsApp



Nicolás Ponce

  • Entrenador de emprendedores en marketing digital y ventas por internet, con más de 1000 personas capacitadas en los sectores de educación, inmobiliario, retail y salud.

  • Cuenta con 8 años de experiencia lanzando productos digitales como trafficker.

  • Emprendedor:
    Fundador de un centro de aprendizaje para niños de 3 meses a 3 años.
    Fundador de una consultora de entrenamiento comercial para ejecutivos

  • Consultor
    Lideró el área comercial de un colegio, logrando pasar de 150 a más de 500 alumnos.
    Lideró proyectos de aplicaciones y plataformas e-learning
    Lideró el área comercial en una universidad TOP 5.

  • Padre de Max (6 años)

  • Vive entre Perú, Argentina y pronto EE.UU

Para preguntas de soporte, por favor contacta con [email protected]

Copyright © 2024• Todos los derechos reservados • Lima, PE

Esta página web es operada y mantenida por Nicolás Ponce - Entrenamiento. El uso de este sitio se rige por nuestros Términos de Uso y Política de Privacidad.
Se dedica a la educación online con un enfoque en el desarrollo personal y profesional. No ofrecemos esquemas para “hacerse rico rápido” ni garantizamos éxito económico como resultado directo de nuestra formación. Nuestros materiales son propiedad intelectual protegida y cualquier copia, reproducción o distribución no autorizada está estrictamente prohibida.

Las experiencias compartidas son propias o de usuarios que han optado voluntariamente por nuestra formación. Los resultados varían y dependen del esfuerzo individual, las capacidades y otros factores externos. No garantizamos resultados financieros específicos y no medimos el rendimiento económico de nuestros estudiantes. En cambio, rastreamos transacciones completadas y satisfacción de los servicios mediante encuestas voluntarias. Usamos cookies para optimizar, promocionar y asegurar nuestros servicios. Al continuar utilizando este sitio, aceptas nuestra Política de Cookies.

Este sitio no está afiliado, asociado, autorizado, endosado por, o de cualquier manera oficialmente conectado con Facebook, Inc. FACEBOOK es una marca registrada de FACEBOOK, Inc.


*Get your money back if you complete the challenge! Bet on yourself! ;) *But still, even if you don't complete the challenge, if you believe we haven't given you $97 worth of value, ask for a refund and we'll gladly refund your money :)

1. Learn the Basic Music Theory
2. Set Up Your Ideal Workspace that JUST WORKS3. and have a Proven Composing Workflow Ready To Go!!
So You Can just Sit Down And Start Composing THE MUSIC THAT YOU LOVEWithout Struggling with TECHNICAL OVERLOAD

Michael Von Zahn

They are a Thousand courses out there, none of them are so inspiring,helpful, and enjoyable as cinematic composing! It’s worth every penny!Thank you for being a part of this big family🙂

Steven Swartz

“These courses have been a fantastic experience thus far. I'm already learning more than I ever could. It's far superior than just searching for online tuts. This course is all a hit!.”

Medhat Hanbali

Whether it’s a film, TV show, video game or music production, the information you will learn in this class is very valuable and will be useful for the rest of your career.



Transform your life in 5 days. Become a composer. Starting from 0 knowledge. 

Spend about 1 hour per day. Be a composer by the end of the week.

*Get your money back if you complete the challenge! Bet on yourself! ;) *But still, even if you don't complete the challenge, if you believe we haven't given you $97 worth of value, ask for a refund and we'll gladly refund your money :)


I’ll hold your hand as you compose your first song and I’ll take you step by step. One day at a time. One challenge at a time. 

And we’ll do this in a practical way. We’ll keep it simple and we won’t overthink it. I’ll put it simple for you. You just need to watch a 30 minutes lesson and put about 30 minutes of effort each day

DAY 1- You’ll write your first mini-piece of music. Just using chords. You’ll learn how to use harmony effectively. 

If you don’t have a studio yet, you’ll learn how to set up a basic studio to start composing and download the first sounds to get started. 

The whole thing will take less than 1 hour!

Day 2- You’ll write your first (or next) piano sketch. I’ll show you the “right” way of doing this so you can orchestrate it with instruments tomorrow. 

This will take less than 30 minutes.

Day 3- You’ll orchestrate yesterday’s sketch with instruments (strings, percussion, etc). You’ve composed your first mini-song! Your first piece of music! 

This is easier than you think and it will take less than 30min!

Day 4- You’re improve your composing system so you can compose faster the next time. You’ll download some free libraries (I'll tell you exactly which ones) and you’ll build a basic template that will supercharge your composing workflow

Day 5- Compose your next piece of music. This time it will be even faster than the last time

You have a system. You have the knowledge. You’re a composer!!

3-Day Flash Sale! 🍂 NOVEMBER Sale 🍂 The CHALLENGE STARTS IN:

Medhat Hanbali

Whether it’s a film, TV show, video game or music production, the information you will learn in this class is very valuable and will be useful for the rest of your career.

Steven Swartz

“These courses have been a fantastic experience thus far. I'm already learning more than I ever could. It's far superior than just searching for online tuts. This course is all a hit!.”

Michael Von Zahn

They are a Thousand courses out there, none of them are so inspiring, helpful, and enjoyable as cinematic composing! It’s worth every penny! I'm so happy to be part of this big family! 🙂

- Establishing Your Workspace - VALUE $137

Discover the tools you're going to need and how to set them up to get the most efficient workflow. Your keyboard/controller, your interface, what DAW to use... and how to set them up for speeeeed! 🚀

- Orchestral Programming - VALUE $151

Learn about some basic REVERB types and discover how best to use them to help pull your various libraries together and ADD DIMENSION TO YOUR SOUNDS. Learn about STEMS and TEMPLATES.

* All contents included in the POWER PACKAGE VERSION


Learn what are my favorite libraries to achieve a Cinematic Sound... (HOLLYWOOD knocks on your door!!! :P )

- Establishing Your Workspace

Discover the tools you're going to need and how to set them up to get the most efficient workflow. Your keyboard/controller, your interface, what DAW to use... and how to set them up for speeeeed! 🚀

- Production highlights

VALUE $151

Learn about some basic REVERB types and discover how best to use them to help pull your various libraries together and ADD DIMENSION TO YOUR SOUNDS. Learn about STEMS and TEMPLATES.

* All contents included in the POWER PACKAGE VERSION

AND ALSO...                   


Learn what are my favorite libraries to achieve a Cinematic Sound... (HOLLYWOOD knocks on your door!!! :P )

- Composition for Film: a Study of Styles - value $497

 - Library Music: Create Passive Income Streams - value $497

 - Music Theory & Composition Master - value $497

AND ALSO...                   

- MARC JOVANI´s TEMPLATE - value $47

- MAKE YOUR FIRST $10.000 - value $47

- JOB SHADOWS - value $97

- 12 REDUCED SCORES - value $37

Yann Duez

Great team, great people, always want to get you high again and again.I'm really really happy to see positives things in this group and really proud of being here.From about last November(2020), I've progressed a lot. Thank you, guys. You're making my dreams come true. ❤

Alan Lorden

"If you’ve been looking for real world, workable answers and solutions on how to set up and structure an effective film composition recording and production environment this is the course for you. Film composer Marc Jovani cuts to the chase on setting up workable templating, the pros and cons of many popular sound libraries, best practices for mixing and mastering along with tips on how to handle the variety and complexity of requests you will encounter this business. Marc’s passion for film scoring is only surpassed by his desire to educate both aspiring and established composers to be the best and most competitive music professionals they can be."

Paulo Arruda

I'm enrolled in the Cinematic Composing course and I'm actually learning a lot. I didn't know Daw, so I emailed and was immediately advised. I know that this walk I'm taking in my studies, is very important, since we are in the digital age. I am a professional musician and knew very little about this subject. Thank you for enjoying this course

Bryant Waner

I have been studying orchestration for years. Everything is comprehensive and the instructors respond quickly when asked questions. I will be signing up for more courses in the future!

Antón Cobelo Allegue

Gracias a este curso he encontrado la soltura que necesitaba para empezar a dominar la composición para orquesta.

Gianmarco Fiaschi

In personal experience this is one of the best composition course around the internet... I like the way topics are explained with energy and passion!I really recommend this fantastic course.

Kevin Maher

I have started courses with Cinematic Composing, and I have already learned new techniques that I am already using in my music and I see many more to come. The materisl is consise, presented at a good pace, the instructors are great, the resources plentiful and the value makes it worth the investiment of time and money.

Minh Ho

The course is very comprehensive in different topics that a film composer need to know.Higly recommended course for any one who is interested in composing music for film

Pete Lämsä

For the first time I found Cinematic Composing website I knew inmediately that this is exactly what I've been looking for. I've learn so much, I'm so happy.Higly recommended course for any one who is interested in composing music for film

Ezra Brunelli

The course is very good and helpful, the information is so detailed it makes it so much easier to understand.

Jed Atienza

This course is awesome and extremely helpful for all composers. It has helped me a lot with my compositions and gave me a better understanding of all instruments which helps me with my composition assignmetns for the "University of Sidney"I am truly grateful to Cinematic Composing.

Nazar Hadidian

Very informative courses doesn't matter how much do you know/familiar about instruments in general an explanation from the composers himself is setting your mind and focus in the rigth way

Sergi Guasch Llorach

What I like the most about CC is the value that it gives you and all the learnings that you can get from top industry professionals!


Stephen S.- Queensland, Australia
"I now have plenty of techniques I can use to enhance my compositions, and the knowledge of how to express my musical ideas."

AMAZING VALUE for an aspiring composer!Since I had heart surgery recently, I have had to slow down physically and decided to embark on a career as a composer.
I know I have much music inside me, waiting to burst out, but don't yet have the technical knowledge to express it as a composer.
Someone recommended the Essential Composing Foundation course and I have found it to be excellent value.
Some of the most helpful sections to me are:- Harmony and Emotions- Telling a Story with Harmony- Marc's 5 Layers System- Ways of Creating Separation in parts- Sound Combinations

Ryan Carrico - Sunnyvale, California
"I'm so glad to have joined Marc in Cinematic Composing and was able to quickly get my little film scored using every last tip, trick, and tool."

What I needed when I needed itI took this course soon after joining with CC because I was working ( or attempting to work ) on a short fantasy animation film. I was underqualified in every way to take this task on solo which is why I'm so glad to have joined Marc in Cinematic Composing and was able to quickly get my little film scored using every last tip, trick, and tool in the fantasy music portion of the Film Music Cliches course. Now I'm able to more quickly come up with ideas that more easily fit into specific genres for film and I owe it all to Cinematic Composing. Thanks, Ryan


One of the biggest perks of a traditional music school is networking with other talented composers. That's why we've created a private Facebook page designated for members to collaborate, share work, give/receive feedback, ask questions, share articles, and learn and grow together.


  • OH! and the MASTERCLASSES... (yes, the ones with HOLLYWOOD composers, orchestrators, mixing engineers, etc) [YES, YES! the ones that are ONLY available in this challenge... nowhere else!]

  • ​and the direct access to me...

  • ​and... the COMMUNITY of more than 9.000 people and growing (do you have any problem? don't stress out! :) Rest assured one of them has had it before ;) and will be more than happy to help YOU work through it! :)

  • FEEDBACK sessions (join one of these and a teacher will review your music)

  • ​Regular contests (win prices!!! yey!!!)

  • ​and THE BES OF THE BEST... DISCOUNTS to SAMPLE LIBRARES & PLUGINS to all our students!! 20% 30% 40% and up to 50% 🔥


Carlos Vallejo - Composer

“Ideal for those who want to get started in the art of writing music for orchestra”

Video and PDF lessons

100+ videos, 15+ hours

Weekly live video-chat

with your instructor and the rest of the class


personally reviewed by your teacher

Private Facebook Group

to give you support

Lifetime access

to the course materials, private group & weekly chats

Lifetime updates

with new content added on a steady basis


   I don't have time to take this challenge/course right now. Should I still buy it?

YES. You can go at your own pace. Don’t need to follow the challenge/course’s schedule.  The challenge and course materials do not expire and you’ll have access to them for life. Even for the future updates and improvements!

You can do it a bit faster, or take as much time as you want/need.

Or you could even take advantage of the discount now, and be doing the challenge later.

   I'm using ________ (name any sequencer here). Can I still take the challenge?

We use Cubase. But, all the concepts that you'll learn apply across the board, no matter what sequencer you use. In fact, more than a 1/2 of our students are Logic users.

The same concept about libraries. You can learn and apply all the concepts taught in the challenge and course using any free library. I'll give you a list of free libraries that you can download. Once you're in the challenge, you'll have a better idea of what is the next library that you wanna buy.

   Do I need to buy any sample library before taking this challenge?

I'll give you a list of free libraries that you can download. So no. No need to buy any library.

Also, once you enroll to this course, you can get access to discounts on many sample libraries and plugins! Just ask for a certificate of enrollment once you're in.

This course will pay for itself with the amount of money you'll save from educational discounts you'll get! ;)

  How long will I have access to the challenge and course materials?

You’ll have access to the materials for life.

   I cannot read music and have never taken orchestration classes or anything like that. I have learned everything by ear. Will I still be able to successfully complete the challenge?

Honestly, we have lots of fun and engaging conversations with students who don’t have formal training. Sometimes, when you’ve got a lot of training you can develop complexes or insecurities about what is right or wrong, what you should or shouldn’t do when composing, and so forth.
We’re recently getting more students who don’t read music and instead produce by ear. 
If you’re one of those with little or no traditional formal training, you’ll still gain loads of practical, useful information and experience in this challenge.

  Do I need a Mac to take this challenge? What type of computer do I need?

You don't need a Mac for this challenge. Marc uses a PC. Half of our students are Mac, the other half are PC.
Any computer, desktop or laptop, with an i5 or similar (i7 desired), 4-8Gb of RAM (16 desired), and 150Gb of free HDD storage for samples (SSD desired) will be enough to get you started. You can always upgrade later.

   Do you have a refund policy?

Yes. We are giving you a full 30 DAYS to go through the training, implement what you learn, and watch your production skills begin to grow.
If you reach out within 30 days to show us that you haven’t seen any progress, then we’ll be happy to return the investment.
*Conditions apply. Please
read Terms and conditions.